Smartday ticket
Smartday ticket

smartday ticket
  1. #Smartday ticket drivers
  2. #Smartday ticket full

Know your facts, do your homework and quit relying on rhetoric and hatred to support your lies.

#Smartday ticket drivers

Also numerous studies including those by the AAA repeatedly show that more drunk drivers are taken off the road by active patrols and not by checkpoints. I'm saying that sobriety checkpoints are technically in violation of the 4th amendment. Don't try your liberal spin tactics of hatred. Look who's woke now! Reply Report abusive comment This isn’t your annual Smart Day is it? Reply Report abusive comment It’s a Police State they don’t support, and you wouldn’t either were you to become the victim of one.

smartday ticket

Those darn liberals! Reply Report abusive commentįavorite Leftist tactic alert: Someone doesn’t like illegitimate infringements of their 4th Amendment Rights, ergo, they don’t support the police. Regarding the bill of rights, the supreme court found that sobriety checkpoints are legal. It's just sad that you don't support the police. Obviously you're obscured by the clouds of what you are smoking. However the highest law in the land - the bill of rights - which liberals seem to think is subject to their feelings clearly states in the 4th amendment that we are not to be subjected to unreasonable search and seizures except upon probable cause and only with a warrant. However it is illegal to do so with a blood alcohol level above. Reply Report abusive commentĪctually there is. No rights being violated, america, there is no right to drink and drive. But you are obviously too ignorant to read, or to understand the law in any form or fashion so you turn to farcebook and the twits to get your news tidbits spoon fed by the liberal party - after they've spun it for profit. Mostly the unemployed druggies that end up on welfare and not giving their children a safe and happy home. And as a conservative I wish more would get abortions. The reversal merely says it's not a federal issue, and it's a state's right. Nobody took away anyone's rights around abortion my poor uneducated woketard.

#Smartday ticket full

Snowyoda showing off his ignorance in full force. What's the name for someone who racks up a bunch of debts and then lets society handle them? Reply Report abusive comment I don't know the word for someone who can't manage their own debts and passes them off to the rest of society.

smartday ticket

What's the name for someone who can't handle their own debts and passes them off to the rest of society? Reply Report abusive comment Roots for the Dark Side he does Reply Report abusive comment You must be outraged that they took away a woman’s right to do what she wants with her own body? Reply Report abusive commentĬomments from a trust fund baby Marxist. Amendment 4 - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized Reply Report abusive comment We appreciate the newspaper letting us know that our 4th Amendment rights will be violated again this weekend.

Smartday ticket